The classic definition for MBA is Married But Available. This refers to executives who are married to one organisation and whose degree makes them marketable to others. Marriage itself is a market, with competitive and comparative advantages. Hence work:life balance could be described in economic terms. It’s sometimes unwise to be clever.

Excuses for getting married

  1. You are in love, and don’t know if it will ever happen again.
  2. You are loved, and don’t know if that will ever happen again.
  3. You want to receive empathy from your subordinates, so that you can get them to work harder.
  4. You need to regulate your hitherto erratic social life, in order to be a more productive corporate team member.

Excuses for getting divorced

  1. Your married life was interfering with the business cycle, especially year-end reporting.
  2. You had some extra cash, and didn’t know what to do with it.
  3. You did the maths, and discovered that two really can’t live as cheaply as one.
  4. You wanted to have an affair, and your spouse wouldn’t let you.

Excuses for doing an MBA

  1. You wanted to understand the latest management thinking.
  2. You wanted to meet like-minded aspirants, and develop a network of soul mates, fellow travellers and high achievers who could help you reach your goals.
  3. Your career has stalled.
  4. You really wanted to do a DBA, but didn’t have the grades.

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