You’re an executive and you want to appear knowledgeable about computing. You only need these 25 throw-away concepts that have been obtusely planned for obsolescence. When you hear one too many of these IT buzzwords, shout Bingo! – and go home.

  1. platform
  2. bandwidth
  3. googling
  4. programming
  5. click-thru
  6. hardware
  7. real-time
  8. compatible
  9. inexpensive
  10. scalable
  11. defenestration
  12. infonesia
  13. seamless
  14. enterprise
  15. keystroke
  16. synchronised
  17. error-free
  18. mobility
  19. text-based
  20. expert
  21. nerdistan
  22. turnkey
  23. generation
  24. parallel
  25. user-friendly.

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