
Here are a few research articles about humour, and some material from my database.

There are many ways to search the database (it’s in Microsoft Access), and several reports are attached. The date range is 1 January 1991 to 1 April 2020, when Covid-19 paused live comedy in Australia. I have done live comedy since then, and several TV comedy bits too, but 30 years is enough to document.


Jessica Milner Davis (2018). Satire and politics: the interplay of heritage and practice. (view PDF, 8 pages, 1mB)
Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Foreword by Rodney Marks, pp. vii-xiv.

Marks and J. Milner Davis “Hoax and Prank”. (view PDF, 4pages, 282kB)
Attardo, S. (2014). Encyclopedia of humor studies. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications, Inc.

Westwood, R. (2004). Comic Relief: Subversion and Catharsis in Organizational Comedic Theatre. (view PDF, 21 pages, 160kB)
Organization Studies, 25(5), pp.775–795.


Shows by audience (PDF, 158 pages, 850Kb)

Shows by character (PDF, 182 pages, 1Mb)

Shows by date (PDF, 244 pages, 1.1Mb)

Shows by industry (PDF, 1 page, 760Kb)

Shows by venue  (PDF, 160 pages, 2.4Mb)

Testimonials by date (PDF, 99 pages, 750Kb)

Testimonials by audience (PDF, 100 pages, 3Mb)

There are about 1,900 records relating to many more than that number of performances (as seasons of shows, and roadshows, have only one record).

(There are more reports, but these are a good sample. Other reports are more for my benefit, like which days of the week are the most popular, how I rated each show, and how much I was paid!)